Any information on this site is from our families experience & may not apply to you. Always check with your specialist first
Kayla Before & After Photo May 2018
Kayla has just had another jaw operation at Middlemore Hospital on 21st May 2018. Here is the before and after photo. The before photo was taken just a few weeks before, the after was taken on 9th June. This operation was a modification and not a distraction. Her surgen Glen Bartlet removed bone from either side of her jaw and added some of it to her chin to give her a better shape. Amazing job Glen! Kayla loves it.
Bodee & Kayla With Their Distractors 2016
Bodee & Kayla had 'Mandibular Distraction' on November 16 2015. Yes they had their operations on the same day. Thanks to Glen for doing it this way as it's easier for us. Also thanks to all the nurses & staff at 'Kids First' for having them together on the ward. The photo above is in February 2016 This was Bodees' 8th distraction
PLEASE READ: This site will soon be updated to be device freindly. The images for the 2016 distractions will be incorporated with that.
Kayla is helping Starship Foundation& Freedom Hair - Wigs For Cancer
Kayla completed her side of the deal & raised $2,385.00 for Starship. You can see her Give-A-Littlepage here.
Kayla is doing a fundraiser for Starship Foundation & Wigs for cancer patients. She has the permission from Starship Foundation & has set up a Give-A-Little page. SHE NEEDS DONATIONS! She has been growing her hair & is going to get it cut off at the end of August 2015. All money goes to Starship through Give-A-Little & her hair is being donated to Freedom Hair. Her hair is being professionally styled by Navarjo Hair Design.
So tell you friends & please click the donate link below & help 2 fantastic causes. You never know when you might just need them.
What is an Exit Procedure? Good question. I hadn't heard of it until we needed one for the birth of our daughter Kayla. You can view the photos of it here. Anyway an Exit Procedure is when the Surgeon performs a caesarian but before the baby is removed from Mum & before the umbilical cord is ... read more
Some images in our galleries can be very graphic. If you don't like the site of blood, we suggest you don't view them.
The tie is threaded ready to be tied off at the back of the neck
Hi my name is Alexis. I live in Seattle USA. I have Auricular-Condylar syndrome like Bodee & Kayla. I have a Trachey & a Gastrostomy & will have mandibular distraction.